




Welcome  to  the   "Add Your Site"   Page


Please read the purpose,  information, and directions below.



    Purpose:  Often, for example, a Beauty Product website might list other beauty product websites by category so that customers can shop for like products at the other website. That type of targeted linking has its place. In fact, many times you might see a website ask that the linking site have "something in common." In our case the something in common is "unusual" products or services. F.O.C.™ is an excellent but unique product. It has no peers, no equivalent and nothing in common with other products. So our goal is to share other unusual, excellent and peerless products when requested. One example, listed first, is a home kit product that freezes off age spots, freckles, skin blemishes, moles, and other skin tags. We are not affiliated with that site or product. I personally have used the product and it really is amazing. Over time we will continue to contact other unusual and excellent product sites. If you know of an unusual product, please suggest it to us

    Information:  When your site link is submitted and approved, it will be placed on the Linked Websites page which is directly reached through a link on our home page.  

    Please do not place a link to our site on your website if you operate a link farm only website. 



DirectionsIf you think it is appropriate to put your link on our site, then it might be appropriate to put our link on your site. If so, 


Here's Our Link

    For your convenience, you may copy and then paste the below code. The below html code contains "the link to our site" and a 50 word description of F.O.C.™ It does NOT contain a logo. The description has one word in bold and one word in red. If you don't want the red or bold, then eliminate it. If you absolutely want to use the F.O.C.™ Balls or Boots logos, you may find them on the Legal page or email us for various sizes and versions. 




If you are creating our link manually without using html code then copy this text.



Enter Your Link

    Enter your link html code below, or a 100 words or less description of your site. No logos please. If you want your logo included, that is a "paid advertisement link" (usually $25 to $45 per year). To inquire about a paid link click here. Please limit your description below to 100 words or less. Don't forget to supply an email contact so we can notify you when your link is approved and posted. Your information is private. We share NO information with anyone. (if you cannot enter html that you would like us to use, then just type in your description that you would like us to use)

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

                           Provide the following information and then click on "Submit All."

                           Do NOT hit your enter key until you are completely done entering input.


                         Your First Name  (last name optional)

                                     Your Title 


               Your Home Page URL

                              Our Link URL (URL where our link will be placed on your website)



                         Enter your link html or your site description of 100 words or less.


                         If you have any special instructions or questions, enter them here.




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